Alien Rogue's Captive Read online

Page 21

  “We can offer derivative use immunity,” the officer says.

  “No,” she says. “We both know that you’ll just use his statements against him later on, after you find a so-called independent witness and corroborating evidence. Transactional immunity. Anything discussed right now is immune from prosecution, with no statute of limitations. Oh and send a copy in English so I can read it.”

  He considers this, grumbles, then my comm-panel beeps and I switch screens, bringing up a document as Brooke demanded. He must have already had it prepared, but he was hoping he wouldn’t have to resort to it. Brooke takes the panel and reads the document.

  “It looks good,” she says. “But tell him to add a clause about tangential criminal activity.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Just do it,” she says. The officer sighs and sends a new document. Brooke reads it and approves it.

  I tell him everything I know about Hilf and Lord Phuru’s scheme.

  “We were tipped off about the replicants a few weeks ago,” Commander Lorso says when I’m done. “We were analyzing data on black-market vita-packs and noticed the trends. Lord Phuru needs to fuel the organic tissues on his androids. The vita-packs can be distilled into pure energy, used for subatomic fission, but it can also be used as robotics fuel.”

  “That explains it,” Brooke says.

  “We’re mobilizing a force right now,” the officer says. “We could use some soldiers. Are any of your Kenorians willing to enlist?”

  “In the Federation Army?” I ask. I don’t even need to think about it. “Not a chance.” Kenorians are warriors, fighters. We don’t do well taking orders from others.

  “You didn’t think about it.”

  “I don’t have to,” I say.

  “Lord Phuru is moving fast. He’s moving his army as we speak. He’s going to exterminate all life on the planet and use it as a strategic base for his broader plans of conquest.”

  “I am aware of this,” I say, thinking of the weapon that Corvi is going to retrieve. I don’t have a lot of faith in the Federation to stop Lord Phuru.

  The remaining Kenorian warriors are the only ones who can stop Lord Phuru.

  But this officer has one vital piece of information that we haven’t been able to get—not even my brilliant Jirdie hacker has been able to find out the location of this secret, strategically located planet. What’s the planet about to be invaded and destroyed by the replicant army?

  “What planet is it?” I ask.

  “Didn’t I mention it?” the officer says. “It’s in the solar system of a minor G-type main sequence star. The inhabitants call it Earth.”

  “Earth?” Brooke says.

  The planet about to be destroyed and colonized by Lord Phuru’s android army is Brooke’s homeland.

  And as much as I care about her and her former home—as much as I sympathize with having your home planet destroyed by Lord Phuru—that’s not what I’m worried about.

  The weapon that Corvi is going to get? It’s located on Earth.

  The End

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  About the Author

  VIKI STORM is the author of thought-provoking literary masterpieces science-fiction romance.

  I live in Los Angeles and, like everyone else who lives here, I hate it and constantly threaten to move. I studied creative writing in school, but it was the sort of creative writing program where you’d get kicked out for writing about getting banged by an alien warrior.

  I’m married and a proud parent to human offspring. I read just about anything. Except for non-fiction. I don’t know if I ever finished reading a non-fiction book.