Alien Rogue's Captive Read online

Page 14

  “Yes,” he says but does not elaborate. He lands the ship and gathers up a few things, blankets, water, food, like we’re having a picnic.

  “Is there real food?” I ask. We’ve been eating these high-tech space food things, and I’m ready for a real meal. They’re like a strip of fruit leather, only without the fruit. Tough and mealy, and I can only get a few bites down before I’m full.

  “I have cheese and dried fruit, plus an assortment of legumes.”

  “I’ll take it,” I say. He leads me off the ship and onto the beach. The sand looks like powdered sugar, so I take off my shoes and sink my toes into it. It’s like velvet.

  We walk until we get closer to the water, and I’m overwhelmed with a feeling of peace. I always like going to the beach, especially making a day trip and going down to the beaches in Orange County, but this is like having my own private island. The wind is blowing, and the waves are breaking gently at the shore.

  “Kenorians have a tradition,” Anax says as he spreads a blanket on the soft sand. “That for the first time of arlo foltest the two must withdraw from the city, away from civilization itself.”

  “What is arlo foltest?” I ask. “And arlo jzumak?”

  “Didn’t I explain it to you when we were about to land on Laurentia?” he says.

  “Yes, bonded mates,” I say. “But what does it mean literally, the words. I heard you say it when you were talking to the other Kenorians. And why couldn’t my translator chip translate it?”

  “It did not translate it because there is no proper translation in your language. Arlo means divine,” he continues, “but jzumak is harder to explain. Its closest approximation would be half.”

  “Divine half,” I say. I can understand that concept… but is Anax my divine half? He surely thinks that I’m his. And in this place, with the soft powdered-sugar sand and the gentle green waves, I can believe it. I can believe in the Unseen Hand guiding us together, arranging events, placing him in my path to save me. I mean, in so many ways, Anax is too good to be true. He’s done so much to help me, he has the wherewithal and skills to have pulled off the escape and kept me safe after.

  “And arlo foltest,” he says with a smile, “is the divine reckoning.”

  I think I have an idea what that means.

  “That means sex?” I ask, realizing why he’s brought me here. I start to flush, feel my heart start to beat. I remember our kiss, his hands on my breasts, how I yearned for more.

  And I know that I’m going to relent to the desire.

  I’ll let him have my virginity.

  “It does not mean sex,” he says. Now I’m confused.

  “It doesn’t?” I ask.

  “Jzulor means sex,” he explains. “Joining halves. But it’s not the same as when the coupling is between bonded mates. Any two can have jzulor, can join the complementary halves of their reproductive organs, but only true, fated mates can perform arlo foltest.”

  “That’s why you brought me here?” I say. “So we can consummate our union?”

  “Yes,” he says. “Kenorians take their mates out into the wilds, anywhere in complete isolation where they can feel the flow of the Universe inside their veins, where they can feel insignificant in the face of such a vast and unknowable power.”

  And I do feel the power. It’s surging through me. I’ve never been so turned-on in my life. My clit feels like it’s going to explode if it’s not touched soon.

  “You feel it,” he says. “I do, too.” He takes me in his arms, and his lips brush mine so gently I want to scream. They’re soft and rough at the same time, like the sand beneath my feet. When his tongue slips inside my mouth I moan into him, knowing what it’s like for an ice cube to melt.

  “I want it,” I say. “But I never did it before, never had sex or divine reckoning or any of it.”

  “I’ll be gentle,” he says. His hands roam underneath my close-fitting spacesuit top and pull it over my head. My breasts are bare, and the wind feels cool on my hot skin, puckering my nipples instantly. Anax scoops me up and sets me down on the blanket. “I’ll be gentle,” he repeats, “but once I’m inside you, you won’t want me to be. You’ll beg me for it as hard and fast as I can give it to you.” His fingertips trace circles around my nipples, and I’m officially a puddle of water, completely melted, completely under his control. The sound of the water is in my ears, mixing with my pulse pounding heavily in anticipation.

  I lift up my hips, trying to push against him, trying to find some relief, and I realize I’m grinding against him like some horny teenage boy desperate for any small measure of stimulation—because any small measure of stimulation is all it’s going to take to send me over the edge. Anax pulls my pants down, and I pull my legs out. He puts his strong hands on my thighs and parts them. “I’ve wanted to do this since we were on Earth and I saw you on the street,” he says. I think he’s going to take his pants down and climb on top of me, but he does not. He moves downward, first taking my nipples into his mouth. I arch my back and moan as the desire wells between my legs.

  He moves further down and with his tongue swipes a long, luxuriously slow trail down my stomach. When he gets to my clit, he takes it into his mouth, sucking just ever so slightly. I think I’m screaming, but I can’t tell. The wind and the waves and the power of the place are blotting out my senses. All I’m aware of is the rhythmic pulsing between my legs, Anax coaxing pleasure and desire from me with every swipe of his tongue and nibble of his lips. I think of his sharp fangs so close to my clit, and that makes me pulse and throb all the harder.

  “You taste as sweet as I knew you would,” he groans.

  My stomach heats up, the orgasm gathering like a steam engine picking up speed. I’m pushing my hips against his face, and he’s moving with me, gripping my legs and moaning his own pleasure into my folds. My orgasm explodes with all the fury of the Universe, and I believe everything Anax has said about mates and fates. Pleasure pulses, not waning, only increasing, like the tide coming up to swallow a shoreline.

  Already I want more; I want not the surface pleasure of his mouth but the deep inner pleasure of his cock. “Please,” I pant, “I’m ready.” And I am. Everything is right, is perfect, and I’m positive that there’s more at work behind this, that my body was kept pure so that I might give it to Anax on this day, on this beach, bonding our lives and performing the divine reckoning that will merge our fates together forever.

  He slides out of his pants and positions himself between my legs. His cock is heavy pressing against my opening. I watch as his sheath retracts and his huge cock is exposed, ready to push inside me. It’s so thick, covered in ridges and veins. “You’re mine,” he says. “After this, you will take no other male.”

  “I don’t want another male,” I say. I look at him and know that it’s the truth. Despite everything different about us, he is the one that I want.

  “Then prepare yourself for the gift of my seed.” I stretch and stretch as he slowly guides his cock into me. I widen to accept his huge size and have a brief moment where I’m certain that he will not fit. That mates though we may be, the cruel joke of the Universe is that our physical union will be impossible.

  “Hold still,” he tells me. “Your little cunt is tight, but I can fit it in. Be good and hold still for my cock.” I hold myself still and just concentrate on the sensation of his hot, pulsing shaft stretching me out, pulling my lips apart and gliding into me one sweet inch at a time. My lips are splayed open, and my inner walls are being plowed apart, forced to relent to accept his massive size. There is no pain, only stretching and the feeling of being held open. I can feel every vein and ridge in his cock, and it only enhances the pleasure.

  He fits it in, our hips touching and his cartilage pad above his shaft, his vrla, resting against my slippery wet clit. He’s right, it does feel like a tongue, soft and firm at the same time, totally subsuming my most sensitive little bud. “Does sex always feel this good?” I moan. I’ve heard girls talk about
how great sex is, but I never considered it would be like this.

  “No,” he says. “Jzulor is usually good but never like this. This is arlo foltest, a pleasure few in this Universe ever get to experience.”

  That I can believe.

  Anax covers my body with his, and I feel so small, so fragile, both dominated and protected at the same time. His rough skin is utterly masculine and is oozing that deliciously intoxicating spicy aroma. His vrla nudges at my clit with every thrust inside me, and the two sensations—the outer stimulation of my clit mixed with the deep inner thrusting of his cock—are mixing together to give me a rich, almost unbearable pleasure. I start to writhe beneath him, radiant heat blossoming from my deepest core to the tips of my ears.

  My orgasm is not a whip crack explosion. It is the cycle of the tide, wave after wave carrying me, floating me, rendering me helpless against the raw, unopposable power. I lose track of time. I lose track of everything except Anax, my mate, here with me. Bonded to me.

  He begins to lose control, slowly at first, then with abandon as he speeds up, groaning as he, too, is carried away by the ebb and flow of pleasure. He pushes himself all the way inside me, shuddering as the thick spurts are deposited deep within my body.

  We relax, we sleep, we eat.

  There is more divine reckoning as our bodies unite, as our spirits unite, as we’re part of the entire Universe. At last we fall into a deep sleep on the sand between the blankets from the ship. I’ve never been so exhausted, so satisfied. My last thought before sleep steals my consciousness is that I’ve been so miserable, so lonely, so wretchedly vacant my entire life… I just never realized it until now. Now, there is no way I can ever go back to that paltry, pale existence.

  We sleep, his arms around me.

  The job of the Unseen Hand now complete.

  Chapter 16


  My desire for revenge has been purified. Sanctified even. My vendetta against Hilf is personal, but now I have righteousness on my side. He’s building a weapon, I’m sure of it. If there’s even the slight possibility to use vita-packs to manufacture a doomsday weapon, then that’s what Hilf is going to do. The alternative is that he’s charitably giving them away to famine-stricken planets? Yeah, right.

  I think about what I did after leaving Laurentia, before returning to the Kenorian settlement. My little insurance policy, I called it. I hope it will be enough to save us all from whatever Hilf’s planning.

  “So who’s Hilf going to blow up?” Brooke asks. She doesn’t seem sufficiently worried about this.

  “You’d think you’d be more fearful of someone like Hilf trying to manufacture a convergent fission explosive,” I say. “He’s already proven himself to be dishonorable and untrustworthy—not the sort to use the weapon for noble purposes.”

  “Does anyone use a weapon like that for noble purposes?” Brooke counters.

  “Exactly,” I say. “But soon enough he’s going to run into a little problem.”

  “What, the mighty Anax and his sword?” she says.

  “Thank you for having so little faith in me,” I respond.

  “Trust me,” she says, “I’m being a jerk, but you’re about the only person in this whole damned universe that I do have faith in.” She takes my hand and looks me in the eye. “You’re the one who saved me, protected me. You cared about me when no one else did. If anyone can stop Hilf and his convenient fishing explosive or whatever it’s called, I know it’s you.”

  “It won’t be with my—what did you say—sword? Is that the sharp metal thing? Please tell me they don’t still use those on Earth.”

  “No, we have plenty of evil, scary weapons on Earth, too,” she reassures me.

  “Hilf will find his plans are disrupted when he turns the vita-packs over to his chemists.”

  “How so?”

  “I knew he was up to something when we returned from Laurentia, I just didn’t know what. So before he retrieved the cargo, I switched the vita-packs.”

  “Switched them? With what, bags of sand?”

  “Corvi helped me. He had a store of counterfeit vita-packs. Seems they got screwed over in a trade not too long ago and had a crate of them lying around.”

  “So Hilf hasn’t started making the weapon yet,” she says, “otherwise he’d know by now that the vita-packs are fake.”

  “Yes, we have a little bit of time to find him and shut down his operation.”

  “That was good thinking,” she says. “I guess it’s possible to have brains and brawn. What’s the next move?”

  “We’ll be back at the Kenorian settlement in about three hours,” I say. “I can track Hilf from there. Udos can help.”

  “Three hours?” she whines. “I know that we’re traveling really fast and there’s not even any traffic, but still. I hate being cooped up in here.”

  “We don’t have to be,” I say. “I can set the auto-pilot…” I’m already initiating the navigation sequence. I want her in the small dormitory cabin, on the narrow, uncomfortable bunk. I want her now. Since last night, I can’t stop thinking about it. How soft and wet she was, how her cunt gripped my cock as if it was greedy for every drop of seed.

  “Sure. But how will we kill the rest of the two hours and fifty-six minutes?” she jests.

  “Female, just for that, you cannot come unless you ask my permission. And I’m in the mood to say, ‘no.’”

  She’s wearing her travel suit, and it’s difficult to remove, the buttons and zippers like an insult to our bond. I lose patience and take a handful of the synthetic fabric in each hand and pull, rending her suit to tatters. She’s nude and beautiful, and I pull her into my lap, kissing her with a ferocity I didn’t know I possessed.

  She lets out a sound that is half scream, half moan, and it’s like a symphony in my ears. I can’t resist the lure of her body right now; those ripe breasts and wet, swollen cunt are a pleasure of which I must avail myself. I take her breasts in my hands, not caressing but squeezing. Not strumming her nipples but pinching and pulling until she’s squealing and panting, rubbing her bare cunt against my leg and creating a sticky sweet mess with her essence.

  On the Floating City, that was our first reckoning, our divine union.

  Now, in the small bunk on my ship? I get to claim my mate. Every animal instinct I have is in full force, and I do not possess a shred of restraint.

  She wraps her hands around my shoulders and I pull them away, holding her wrists behind her back. “You are mine,” I growl. “You relinquish your body to me. Your mate has desires, and you will satisfy all of them.”

  “Fuck,” she moans. “Yes. Anything you want.”

  “Stop talking,” I say. “I want your mouth.” I lay her on the bed and straddle her face, pinning her down. “What do you do when your mate presents you with a hard cock?” She opens her mouth and begins greedily licking the tip, moaning like a whore. I’m so fucking hard right now I might waste my seed by expending it onto her face. “That’s a good little girl,” I say. “You know exactly how to pleasure a strong male.” I insert myself into her mouth and thrust as slowly as I can, but it feels too good, and I want more than just her soft lips and gentle tongue. I want the deepness of her throat. I push hard into her mouth and she coughs, unable to take my length, so I take it out.

  “It’s too big,” she whines, but she’s already licking me, her lips searching out my shaft.

  “If you can’t be good and take the whole thing in your mouth, you’re going to have to let me use your cunt. Get on your hands and knees and rub your clit. I want you to show me how much you appreciated sucking my cock.” I get off of her and she quickly obeys, assuming the position. Her fingers play over her wet lips slowly at first, then as she finds her rhythm, she’s wildly strumming at her little nub.

  “Can I come, please?” she asks.

  “I’m glad that you remembered to ask permission,” I tease. I push my cock at her entrance and swirl it around, not quite giving her what she want
s yet. “But the answer is no. Not until your tight little cunt is wrapped all the way around my cock. Not until you’re dripping all over me.” I inch myself inside of her, meaning to tease her, wanting to make her beg for it, but once my tip is enveloped by her hot, wet walls, I lose all semblance of composure. This female has too much power over me. I thrust into her, and her cries of pleasure only spur me on.

  “Can I come now?” she asks again. “This feels so good, I’m going to lose my mind if you make me hold it much longer.”

  “Yes,” I say. “Come for your mate.” She orgasms immediately, tensing then wildly thrashing under me. I have to grab her waist and steady her. Her movements feel too good, her cunt pushing back against me, her bucking hips squeezing her tight walls around my shaft, gripping me, coaxing my seed forth. I can’t contain it and let my own orgasm come, freeing another load of seed into her womb.

  I withdraw from her, and she collapses onto the bed, and I follow her example, panting and wiping the sweat from my forehead.

  “Christ almighty, what the hell was that?” Brooke asks. She props herself up on one arm, her smooth, bare shoulder peeking out in contrast to the scratchy, synthetic travel blanket.

  “The most satisfying mating you have ever experienced,” I say.

  “No,” she says. “The ship just shook.”

  “A side effect of the mating,” I tease. “We were rocking the cabin pretty hard.”

  But then I feel it, a slight but sudden shift in our flight path.

  “That,” she says.

  “Damn the Black,” I say. It’s always something. I can’t have a few minutes’ quiet rest with my mate. I am sure now more than ever that our bond was forged long ago by the skilled hands of the Fates, that we’ve been connected by an unseen chain that is just now reeling us closer and closer together.

  I find my space suit on the floor and step into it to the waist, leaving my chest bare. This soon after mating, clothing feels wrong, too constricting and chafing.

  I make my way to the cockpit carefully, holding onto the safety handles bracketed along the corridors. The shaking is increasingly strong. I’m starting to get worried that this is no mere turbulence. The jerking is too regular, the intervals too uniform. When I get to the cockpit my suspicions are confirmed.